Random Parting Shots
Just some parting shots of the area. I am out of here Feb 27,2006. That marks the end of my Antarctic tour for 2005-2006. It's been a good 5 months. I am considering coming back next year. Time will tell....

McMurdo, now Feb 2006.

Ice crystals.

The first moon over the Royal Society Mountain Range. The range is on the other side of the island.

The sun and moon setting over the south pole.

Barn Glacier, the closest Glacier to McMurdo.

Scott Base, the Kiwi Base 2 miles away.

McMurdo, now Feb 2006.

Ice crystals.

The first moon over the Royal Society Mountain Range. The range is on the other side of the island.

The sun and moon setting over the south pole.

Barn Glacier, the closest Glacier to McMurdo.

Scott Base, the Kiwi Base 2 miles away.
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